Starlght vs darkfighter
Starlght vs darkfighter

starlght vs darkfighter

It's a very good low light camera, but at half the resolution of the Darkfighter.

starlght vs darkfighter

#Starlght vs darkfighter 720p#

The only Bosch low light unit I have here at the moment is an original 720p Starlight. I don't sell anything to anyone, but I do test a lot of cameras.

starlght vs darkfighter

Even the latest Bosch 8000 12MP (which is not a low light camera by any means) performed almost as well as a Darkfighter in real low-light conditions and the 5MP Starlight ate it for breakfast. For what I paid for the Darkfighters, I could actually get some nice Bosch units for roughly the same price that perform roughly 4 times better in low light and challenging light conditions. These cameras were expensive and a complete waste of money. If you want a real low light camera, you'll have to go to a real manufacturer and pay real low light camera prices. no, on second thought the cameras don't actually have anything to recommend them. The specs are a total fabrication and its idea of "software WDR" isn't worth the paper its written on. I've come to the conclusion that the Darkfighter light specs are rated at a shutter speed of 1S (in other words completely useless in the real world) and it's rated dynamic range of 120dB is more like 120dB PMPO (realistically somewhere in the order of 70-80dB). I also have several real low light cameras (from Bosch Starlight through to a neat special unit with a 1" imager and a couple of nice loan units I'm not allowed to talk about yet).

Starlght vs darkfighter